If you are an avid follower of  Apple devices across Mac, iPhone, and iPad devices then SAFARI is the first thing that comes to your mind. No doubt it is loaded with some incredible features like Private browsing, reader view, and file downloads in standard form with some add-on features yet to be discovered. All you need to do is tailor Safari for Windows that meet your preferences to give it a more emphatic tool for vast exploration of the web.

    The Launch of Safari on Windows

    We all know how the Apple community is known for its unparalleled dedication and contribution to Apple revenue. Citing the huge popularity in the market the CEO Steve Job realized the stellar success within this community.

    The fusion of Safari with macOS products from the outset with some gaining popularity made this device extremely popular and broadened the user base as it gained new customers. With some limitations to internal resources, it is quite apparent that latching on to new opportunities is quintessential.

    Deeply hypnotized by its popularity Steve Jobs introduced the new Safari version for Windows XP and Windows Vista in 2007. Venturing into new market segments, especially the expansive Windows market, unveiled promising revenue aspects.

    Customize the Toolbar:

    Customizing the toolbar is the key to ensuring the best functionality in Safari and to reflect preferences with some common features. While discovering the rarely used Home button you can delete it. The sidebar seems to be an invaluable feature for easy access to button access.

    All you need to do is delete buttons from the toolbar and drag the pop-up window. Subsequently, you should arrange buttons so that it fits the workflow.

    Spotlight recommendations

    With the activation of the search bar, you can start typing to generate suggestions from specific search engines. All you need to do is save bookmarks and favorites with Spotlight recommendations like news articles, maps, and Wikipedia with the information to all the search terms.

    Optimized Website Search

    The internal search function of the website acquires knowledge of the structure of the search page URL. After entering the address you can add relevant keywords with the Smart Search Field giving a shortcut for the submission of the keywords for the navigation of SERP( Search Engine Result Pages).


    Enhanced Reading Experience

    Upon visiting a webpage containing substantial textual content, a paragraph-like icon becomes visible adjacent to the search field. This icon grants access to Safari Reader, a feature designed to eliminate superfluous content, offering a refined view of the main text and accompanying images.

    Moreover, users can conveniently adjust the text size using the ‘A’ characters situated at the top left corner of the interface.

    iCloud Tab Management

    By clicking the ‘Show All Tabs’ button located in the toolbar, users gain access to a comprehensive view below the graphical previews of tabs currently open on their Mac. Here, they can explore lists of tabs that remain open on other synced Macs and iOS devices linked to the same iCloud account.

    Private Browsing Functionality

    To initiate a browsing session wherein visited pages, search queries, and form data are not retained, users can navigate to ‘File’ > ‘New Private Window’. Such windows can be identified by a distinct dark-themed search field.

    Moreover, users have the option to keep private browsing windows separate from normal ones or merge them by selecting ‘Window’ > ‘Merge All Windows’.

    Enhanced Privacy Settings

    Within Safari’s preferences menu, users can access privacy settings by clicking on the ‘Privacy’ tab. Here, the initial set of options enables users to specify whether websites are permitted to save cookies, commonly utilized for advertising purposes among others.

    Additionally, at the bottom of the privacy preferences, users have the option to request not to be tracked, although adherence to this request by websites is not obligatory.

    Clearing Browsing History

    Users can swiftly erase their browsing history from the past hour, today, or from both today and yesterday by selecting ‘History’ > ‘Clear History and Website Data…’ and choosing the relevant timeframe.

    Managing Website Data

    In the privacy preferences section, users can access detailed information by clicking on ‘Details’ under the ‘Remove All Website Data…’ option. Here, users can review the data stored by various websites on their Mac, including cookies, plug-ins, and other locally stored data. This feature enables users to selectively delete data from websites they no longer trust.

    Capture the Entire Webpage

    Previously, capturing a screenshot on your mobile device with Safari would only capture the visible portion of a webpage. With the latest update, however, you can now capture the entire page.

    To do so, take a screenshot as usual and open the preview thumbnail of the shot. Tap the “Full Page” tab atop the preview to display the entire webpage, even beyond the initial shot’s view.

    No More Cropping Images

    With the advent of iOS 16 and iPadOS 16, Apple’s Live Text feature now enables you to isolate and extract a foreground subject from an image, even within websites visited through Safari.

    To copy a subject from an image, locate an image with the desired subject, press down on it, and select “Copy Subject” from the menu. You can then open an app, such as Mail or iMessage, where you can paste the image and insert the subject using the Paste function.

    Efficient Bookmarking of Multiple Tabs

    Rather than saving each open tab as a bookmark, streamline the process by pressing down on the Bookmark icon at the top or bottom of your screen.

    From the drop-down menu, choose “Add Bookmarks for X Tabs,” where X represents the number of open tabs. Name the folder housing the bookmarked tabs and tap “Save.”

    Optimize Your iPhone’s RAM

    Safari often accumulates numerous open tabs, leading to clutter and navigation difficulties. To counteract this, set a time limit for automatic tab closure.

    Navigate to “Settings,” select “Safari,” then opt for “Close Tabs.” Here, you can specify a timeframe of one day, one week, or one month before tabs are automatically closed, optimizing your iPhone’s RAM.

    Debugging websites using Safari Developer Tools

    Debugging websites using Safari Developer Tools on LambdaTest is a seamless process facilitated by the platform’s robust features and functionalities. LambdaTest stands out as an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform, offering an extensive remote test lab comprising over 3000 real browsers and operating systems. This vast array of browser options allows developers and testers to conduct comprehensive web testing, identifying and addressing browser compatibility issues across different versions.

    With LambdaTest, users can perform browser testing on real Safari browsers online, running on authentic macOS machines. This ensures thorough testing for website compatibility across various Safari versions, from legacy ones to the latest Safari 17. Developers and testers have the flexibility to test their web applications or websites on different Safari browser versions and macOS operating systems, ensuring a pixel-perfect customer experience.

    LambdaTest provides an intuitive interface for viewing and debugging JavaScript, CSS, or HTML code through Safari Developer Tools. This enables users to identify and rectify any issues or discrepancies in their web applications or websites efficiently. Moreover, LambdaTest offers a Safari Web Inspector specifically designed for inspecting elements on iPhones, further enhancing the debugging capabilities.

    Advanced Safari Features

    From exploring element inspection to mastering Progressive Web Apps, these insights will empower you to utilize Safari in innovative ways, enhancing both productivity and web development proficiency.

    Web Development and Inspection Tools

    Inspecting Elements: Safari’s Web Inspector stands as a robust tool for developers and inquisitive users, offering insights into the structural foundation of websites. To activate it on macOS, begin by enabling the Develop menu within Safari’s Preferences under the Advanced tab. Subsequently, opt for ‘Show Web Inspector’ from the Develop menu while browsing. This tool grants access to view the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript of any page, facilitating debugging and educational purposes.

    Progressive Web Apps (PWA): 

    Safari’s support for Progressive Web Apps enables users to enjoy app-like experiences directly within the browser. For developers, this entails that testing and optimizing PWAs are imperative for ensuring a seamless user experience on Safari. Engaging with Safari’s Application Manifest support and offline capabilities enhances your PWA’s performance on Apple devices.


    Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) enable dynamic content loading without page refresh, with Safari offering full support for this technology. Developers can leverage AJAX to craft fluid, app-like web experiences. Safari’s debugging tools provide a means to monitor AJAX calls and responses, ensuring smooth operation of your site.

    Safari’s features indeed offer significant advantages for web designers and developers:

    • Website Templates Testing: Safari’s rendering engine ensures accurate display across Apple devices, critical for maintaining design integrity. Its responsive design mode facilitates thorough testing across various screen sizes and orientations, ensuring consistent user experience.
    • AI Text Generation Integration: Accessing AI text generators and content tools within Safari streamlines content creation processes. Marketers and content creators can leverage these tools to brainstorm ideas, draft content, and refine website copy efficiently, all within the familiar browsing environment of Safari.
    • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) Support: Safari’s support for PWAs simplifies the conversion of websites into app-like experiences. This feature enables users to “install” websites onto their home screens, enhancing engagement by providing app-like functionality without the complexities of traditional app store submission processes.

    These functionalities make Safari a valuable tool for web professionals, offering a seamless workflow from design testing to content creation and app development.


    Apple’s Safari browser transcends mere web browsing; it serves as a portal to enriching your online journey, safeguarding privacy, and facilitating web development and design. From effortless browsing customization to harnessing advanced tools for web development, Safari presents a spectrum of capabilities waiting to be explored. Safari offers numerous customization features to elevate the personalization of your browsing experience.